Saturday, October 15, 2011

SeeU !!!!

I was browsing YouTube, one of my favorite sites, for
Vocaloid songs, and found two new songs for that new
Korean Vocaloid SeeU!!!! This is some exciting stuff here
because she's only had one song for the longest time and
i've been waiting for like...ever...

She sounds so realistic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well, they are just demo songs made by professionals...
I hope all the people who buy her voice and make songs
don't totally BUTCHER her voice like some people do
with other Vocaloids ;w; Now....that's really all I felt
like blogging about xD


Saturday, October 1, 2011

Okay. Okay okay okay okay....

Yes, I know. Worst blogger ever.
Bah. Me = Fail xD

Well, nothing really new is going on
in the Cave of Chocoshrooms. Haven't
written anything notable, haven't really
drawn anything notable either.

Oh, yeah, I designed the JCC's (Jap. Culture Club)
Mascot, but I think my design won by a fluke ^^;
Guess I'll put a pic up here though, so you
can be the judge of that. IDK, I just
don't think it's very....Mascot-y.

Yeah, well, they all like it for some really
odd reason....But the only thing that looks
Asian-ish to me is that he's Anime style,
plus the fact his wristband has the Jap.
Flag on it. IDK. Maybe they'll let me
redesign his outfit to be like a samurai
or something cool like that.

I'm being a downer again x'D Well, that's
pretty much it. Schools is hard, all the staff
is butthurt that people aren't following the rules,
and I have no free time X.x

Shrooms out...

Friday, September 16, 2011


(I suck at updating my blog, don't I?)

Zebra (Zeh-Brah) is a Nico Nico singer.
So for a certain person who likes Clear, might be
interested in Zebra as well x'D
He's a rapper instead, but it sounds AMAZING.
Trust me. I don't like a lot of Japanese Rap.

Okay, this song is probably one of the most AMAZING examples
of how AMAZING Zebra is. Because Matryoshka is an AWESOME
song, him adding his rap in there is just AWESOME.

Okay, people who don't like Japanese music, just try this song out.
I don't know if it's appealing to those who don't like J-pop, but maybe
it is :D

That's all!

(P.S. - Zebra also does an amazing duet with Rapit for Just be friends)

Wednesday, September 7, 2011


It's SO unhealthy how obsessed I am with them right now.
But. I'm embracing the fact that I am obsessed. The first step
to recovery is admitting you have a problem!
(But this is a GOOD problem?)

WELL ANYWAY. I got obsessed again after a 
CERTAIN SOMEONE (you know who you are)
showed me the new Korean Vocaloid. And now I'm
discovering more and more Vocaloid things I didn't
know about until then. YES. There is more to Vocaloid
than the songs/characters used in the concert x'D

I'm sorry to those who have no interest in this whatsoever xD
Because my posts for a while will probably be me fruiting out
about how much I love Vocaloid~ 

But for a different CERTAIN SOMEONE~ I'm putting up some
of my art! Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!
Yeah, I know it's a large picture ;w; ah ha~ But 
if I tried resizing it, it got all blurry :P

OKAY. Top two - My Blue Exorcist character
Baalberith. More about him on my DA page -----> HERE 
(Some fan art of him/my other characters ------> HERE)

Bottom left one - My Vocaloid character who
doesn't have much information yet OR songs...
Yes I'm planning on using my own voice....
which means I have to sing....
But hey, I have to pitch change it too so yeah xD
I might just put some songs up (if I ever figure it out)

Bottom right one - (above my beautiful writing)
That's another Blue Exorcist character I'm working
on xD he's an Exorcist instead of a Demon, and he's
as short as his temper ;D OH HO HO HO~

That's it...






Okay, it might just SEEM like the normal magnet song
you know and love...but just wait for the singing to

Alright that's all!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

I'm taking Online Japanese...

...and it's not as bad as I thought it was. Although kind of odd....
Today I had to record myself talking in Japanese and submit that...
that was probably the weirdest experience i've had.

Okay. So what we had to introduce ourselves in Japanese.
I was recording myself, and I felt retarded.
And it sounded retarded too.
Well, I found out how to make it more natural!
Recorded myself saying it to my sister instead xD
Of course, afterward she wanted me to record her saying
it in a country accent x'D

So that's really all that's going on ^^ I've memorized the
first 10 sounds and symbols of Hiragana!!!


Sunday, August 28, 2011

Dark Woods Circus Series!

I find the saddest, cruelest, Vocaloid song series and get obsessed with them!
(*cough*Story of Evil*cough*)

For those who have no idea what i'm talking about...
Vocaloid is...well, if you don't know what it is, just look it up on wiki.
Well, pretty much every song made by people using Vocaloid is sad
and depressing. If you just listen to it without knowing the meaning,
then it's all good ;D But usually once you know the meaning.....
(Unless if you don't like Vocaloid, which is understandable. I love it though.)

Well, the Dark Woods Circus series is basically a series of songs
that are made up of the same story, just in different parts. Kind of
like a musical in a way. Well, this story (at least in the video I watched)
 in particular is about a circus of deformed children forced to preform
QAQ; IT'S SO SAD. I'm posting up the video list, although I only managed to watch one.
(The actual Dark Woods Circus one, I'll watch the rest when I'm less depressed ;w; )

1. Steel Cage Princess
2. Wide Knowledge of late, madness
3. Dark woods circus (I posted the video for any of those curious)
4. Blue Ice Castle
5. Red Swamp Bottom
6. Guard and Scythe

Friday, August 26, 2011


I am in one right now!
It's actually quite fun C:
Considering I love the rain!


Friday, August 19, 2011


I haven't been getting around to blogging recently, as you might or might have not noticed...
Well, the main cause for that is the fact that I started school on the 10th. GREAT.
But anyway, I figured I'd try to update for those who are actually interested in what I have to write/type.

In my English II class, we are reading a graphic novel called Persepolis. Let me tell you, reading a graphic novel in class is a GREAT change from reading Romeo and Juliet, and Odyssey. Persepolis isn't one of those super hero comics either, it's a real life story drawn by a woman about her life growing up in Iran during the revolution against the Islamic Republic. I know that if it wasn't in graphic novel form, I would be bored to NO END reading it. But I actually read ahead (finished it all the first night we took in home) even though she told us not too. I mean, so long as I don't spoil for everyone else then there should be no problem! :D

One of our assignments (the unavoidable side assignments that go alone with reading in English class!) was to draw our OWN little comic at least five pannels long. I knew I would either HATE doing this or love it. Luckily, as I worked pretty much for hours on it last night, I had a lot of fun with it. I made a short little (emo) comic about my Ao no Exorcist OC Baalberith. The teacher said it was okay to use stick figures, so guess what I didn't do? :D I've never really stood out in assignments in class, but maybe mine will this time. (assuming that most of my classmates are going the easy way) As soon as I finish all the coloring (my sister didn't have all the colors I need haha) I probably will scan it and put it up on my deviantart. (i'll post a link here as well, or just post the pic here)

So anyway, I think i've went on about the same topic enough. Haha~ So, until next time, TOODLES :D

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Ao no Exorcist - The fandom is UNCREATIVE >:T

OKAY. Don't even bother to read this if it bothers you, but imma bout to rant about how all the people who create original characters for Ao no Exorcist (aka Blue Exorcist) are COMPLETELY UNCREATIVE!
This is just bugging me because I'm about to start a RP (roleplay) group for the OCs (original characters) on DA (deviant art...i hope you're catching on to all these abbreviations, because this is probably the only time i'm going to translate for you) and I know i'm going to get a flood of mary sues dating Rin....
I mean....this fandom gives you LOTS to be creative with, yet everyone seems to do the same thing. They overpower their character (letting them learn more than one class is kinda already overdoing it, considering most of the Exorcists in the show are really powerful at just being a dragoon/aria/knight/etc.) and don't even give us special reasons for it. Even if they did, an OC isn't supposed to overshadow the main canon character (characters from the original series, for those who don't know). 
Also, for all your demon OCs out there....what in the WORLD are they doing at a school for exorcists? Do not say to kill satan...that would just be stealing Rin's reason. Demons are suppost to be against the exorcists...lets keep it that way. Because Rin is supposed to be a special case, and if ALL demons go to the cram school, well....then why in the world is he even the main character anymore? To get MOBBED by all the female (and possibly some male) mary sues? Sucks for him...

READ IT ----- This is a guide my wonderful friend on DA wrote (how I met her actually) and might clarify what i'm ranting about more. I don't even think i strung all my sentences in the right order xD

What should I write? ._.

I've had a blog before, but it wasn't all that successful...
I plan for this to be more for literature~
Fanfictions, Poems, Flash Fiction....all those good genres.
Now, I don't have anything else to write about right now.
Except that i'm really bored QAQ