Saturday, October 1, 2011

Okay. Okay okay okay okay....

Yes, I know. Worst blogger ever.
Bah. Me = Fail xD

Well, nothing really new is going on
in the Cave of Chocoshrooms. Haven't
written anything notable, haven't really
drawn anything notable either.

Oh, yeah, I designed the JCC's (Jap. Culture Club)
Mascot, but I think my design won by a fluke ^^;
Guess I'll put a pic up here though, so you
can be the judge of that. IDK, I just
don't think it's very....Mascot-y.

Yeah, well, they all like it for some really
odd reason....But the only thing that looks
Asian-ish to me is that he's Anime style,
plus the fact his wristband has the Jap.
Flag on it. IDK. Maybe they'll let me
redesign his outfit to be like a samurai
or something cool like that.

I'm being a downer again x'D Well, that's
pretty much it. Schools is hard, all the staff
is butthurt that people aren't following the rules,
and I have no free time X.x

Shrooms out...

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