Friday, August 19, 2011


I haven't been getting around to blogging recently, as you might or might have not noticed...
Well, the main cause for that is the fact that I started school on the 10th. GREAT.
But anyway, I figured I'd try to update for those who are actually interested in what I have to write/type.

In my English II class, we are reading a graphic novel called Persepolis. Let me tell you, reading a graphic novel in class is a GREAT change from reading Romeo and Juliet, and Odyssey. Persepolis isn't one of those super hero comics either, it's a real life story drawn by a woman about her life growing up in Iran during the revolution against the Islamic Republic. I know that if it wasn't in graphic novel form, I would be bored to NO END reading it. But I actually read ahead (finished it all the first night we took in home) even though she told us not too. I mean, so long as I don't spoil for everyone else then there should be no problem! :D

One of our assignments (the unavoidable side assignments that go alone with reading in English class!) was to draw our OWN little comic at least five pannels long. I knew I would either HATE doing this or love it. Luckily, as I worked pretty much for hours on it last night, I had a lot of fun with it. I made a short little (emo) comic about my Ao no Exorcist OC Baalberith. The teacher said it was okay to use stick figures, so guess what I didn't do? :D I've never really stood out in assignments in class, but maybe mine will this time. (assuming that most of my classmates are going the easy way) As soon as I finish all the coloring (my sister didn't have all the colors I need haha) I probably will scan it and put it up on my deviantart. (i'll post a link here as well, or just post the pic here)

So anyway, I think i've went on about the same topic enough. Haha~ So, until next time, TOODLES :D

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