Saturday, March 17, 2012


Today marks the day.
I have caught up with Homestuck COMPLETELY.

;3; I'm so happy<3

So. Those of you who haven't read hs yet. Read. Nao.
I have given you the link, you have no excuse to not start!
Don't give up on it right away, it gets REALLY good.

Anyone who HAS read hs.
There's this amazing guy on Youtube that voices fancomics
that are hilarious and all his voices just FIT the characters.
Like, if hs were to become an amazing TV show, then all
the voices....YES. And he uses the best music XD
(My favorites are the videos he has with Eriden, or Ferferi in them
and uses Spongebob music. Because it makes SENSE)

Okay, and this video makes me laugh. (No spoilers really xD)

Saturday, October 15, 2011

SeeU !!!!

I was browsing YouTube, one of my favorite sites, for
Vocaloid songs, and found two new songs for that new
Korean Vocaloid SeeU!!!! This is some exciting stuff here
because she's only had one song for the longest time and
i've been waiting for like...ever...

She sounds so realistic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well, they are just demo songs made by professionals...
I hope all the people who buy her voice and make songs
don't totally BUTCHER her voice like some people do
with other Vocaloids ;w; Now....that's really all I felt
like blogging about xD


Saturday, October 1, 2011

Okay. Okay okay okay okay....

Yes, I know. Worst blogger ever.
Bah. Me = Fail xD

Well, nothing really new is going on
in the Cave of Chocoshrooms. Haven't
written anything notable, haven't really
drawn anything notable either.

Oh, yeah, I designed the JCC's (Jap. Culture Club)
Mascot, but I think my design won by a fluke ^^;
Guess I'll put a pic up here though, so you
can be the judge of that. IDK, I just
don't think it's very....Mascot-y.

Yeah, well, they all like it for some really
odd reason....But the only thing that looks
Asian-ish to me is that he's Anime style,
plus the fact his wristband has the Jap.
Flag on it. IDK. Maybe they'll let me
redesign his outfit to be like a samurai
or something cool like that.

I'm being a downer again x'D Well, that's
pretty much it. Schools is hard, all the staff
is butthurt that people aren't following the rules,
and I have no free time X.x

Shrooms out...

Friday, September 16, 2011


(I suck at updating my blog, don't I?)

Zebra (Zeh-Brah) is a Nico Nico singer.
So for a certain person who likes Clear, might be
interested in Zebra as well x'D
He's a rapper instead, but it sounds AMAZING.
Trust me. I don't like a lot of Japanese Rap.

Okay, this song is probably one of the most AMAZING examples
of how AMAZING Zebra is. Because Matryoshka is an AWESOME
song, him adding his rap in there is just AWESOME.

Okay, people who don't like Japanese music, just try this song out.
I don't know if it's appealing to those who don't like J-pop, but maybe
it is :D

That's all!

(P.S. - Zebra also does an amazing duet with Rapit for Just be friends)

Wednesday, September 7, 2011


It's SO unhealthy how obsessed I am with them right now.
But. I'm embracing the fact that I am obsessed. The first step
to recovery is admitting you have a problem!
(But this is a GOOD problem?)

WELL ANYWAY. I got obsessed again after a 
CERTAIN SOMEONE (you know who you are)
showed me the new Korean Vocaloid. And now I'm
discovering more and more Vocaloid things I didn't
know about until then. YES. There is more to Vocaloid
than the songs/characters used in the concert x'D

I'm sorry to those who have no interest in this whatsoever xD
Because my posts for a while will probably be me fruiting out
about how much I love Vocaloid~ 

But for a different CERTAIN SOMEONE~ I'm putting up some
of my art! Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!
Yeah, I know it's a large picture ;w; ah ha~ But 
if I tried resizing it, it got all blurry :P

OKAY. Top two - My Blue Exorcist character
Baalberith. More about him on my DA page -----> HERE 
(Some fan art of him/my other characters ------> HERE)

Bottom left one - My Vocaloid character who
doesn't have much information yet OR songs...
Yes I'm planning on using my own voice....
which means I have to sing....
But hey, I have to pitch change it too so yeah xD
I might just put some songs up (if I ever figure it out)

Bottom right one - (above my beautiful writing)
That's another Blue Exorcist character I'm working
on xD he's an Exorcist instead of a Demon, and he's
as short as his temper ;D OH HO HO HO~

That's it...






Okay, it might just SEEM like the normal magnet song
you know and love...but just wait for the singing to

Alright that's all!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

I'm taking Online Japanese...

...and it's not as bad as I thought it was. Although kind of odd....
Today I had to record myself talking in Japanese and submit that...
that was probably the weirdest experience i've had.

Okay. So what we had to introduce ourselves in Japanese.
I was recording myself, and I felt retarded.
And it sounded retarded too.
Well, I found out how to make it more natural!
Recorded myself saying it to my sister instead xD
Of course, afterward she wanted me to record her saying
it in a country accent x'D

So that's really all that's going on ^^ I've memorized the
first 10 sounds and symbols of Hiragana!!!
